Wednesday, November 16, 2016

1.10 Misunderstood

I've learned my lesson. Today I'm taking a shower before work.

It's a day like any other. I chat a bit with my co-workers and again, I can't keep myself from imagining what it would be like to kiss Patrizio Monty. But Gloria, a small voice in the back of my mind chides me, He's married and has two children! 

Despite my distracted thoughts, I get offered the position of a medical intern and I gladly accept this promotion.

After work, still wearing my old paramedic jumpsuit, I walk past the large pool towards the Mucho Expresso Café. I heard that it was recently converted into a bar, but when I arrive, the place is dead. This is not what I came for! I wanted to visit the hot spots of nightlife, not a place that's completely empty.

So I head over to the Worries and Woes Country Pub once more. As expected, it's a hot spot again. Well, that's one out of five, I think to myself.

I order a drink and I'm surprised at how yummy it is. I briefly consider trying to learn the mixology skill for myself, but I already have too many important goals on my mind to add this to the list.

I enjoyed playing darts the other night, so I go upstairs for another game.

 I call a taxi, but I'm not ready to go home yet.

 It's been too long since I last worked on my book, so I spend some time at the library, completely absorbed in my imaginary world.

Once my back aches and I am thoroughly exhausted, I decide to read a little.

 However, it's getting late. Much like the other patrons, I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open, so I head home.

When I arrive, I take a glance at my phone and notice a text message from my boss, Erika Lin: If you're not going to answer my calls, I'm not going to consider you a friend anymore.  

What?! I am in shock. Did Erika call me while I was working on my book? But I seriously didn't even notice! I'm so incredibly tired, feeling like crap after a long day, and then I receive this passive-aggressive text message... This just isn't fair. I feel terribly misunderstood and lonely.

Feeling devastated, I crawl into bed.

Gloria is the first sim I've ever payed with that has the Brooding trait. When she lost Erika as a friend (from neglect), her social bar immediately dropped to the very bottom (despite being a loner!) and she got the "misunderstood" and then the "needs to brood" moodlets. Along with the "lonely" moodlet, of course. Well, maybe now she'll want to socialize!


  1. Gloria is so nice. I send my sims to break up marriages all the time. XD

    Oh gosh! Poor Gloria. ;_; I'm playing a brooding sim right now so I need to keep that in mind!

    1. If I could direct her all the time, I wouldn't hesitate to break those sims up XD

      It's so interesting what you learn about traits when you let sims run wild! Before this, Gloria never lost a friend because she never had any of these mid-point relationship bar friendships. It's great because it makes her roll wishes to socialize though!

  2. Aww, poor Gloria! No one understands her! Hopefully she'll find a few good friends soon.

    1. It's so difficult to keep friends when all you're relying on is autonomous interactions. The relationship bars keep dropping below the halfway point and then Gloria is devastated :(
