Wednesday, November 16, 2016

1.6 Resolutions

I awake ravenous. Did I even eat anything yesterday?

 Luckily, it's Saturday and I finally get to prepare a meal without being interrupted. I'm making pumpkin pie for breakfast because - why not? I can do whatever I want!

 I try my best to ignore the flies buzzing around last night's dirty dishes.

 How could I not enjoy my meal in a lovely setting like this?

But someone eventually has to buckle up and do the dishes. And well, since I'm living alone, that someone has to be me. I wrinkle my nose at the foul smell.

As I wash the dishes, I realize how  disgusting the stove looks.

There, now that is done too. All these annoying chores have piled up throughout the week when I was too busy with work.

When I glance out of the window, I see the paper boy putting down yet another newspaper in front of my door. I never read those things, and the old ones are starting to pile up... Yet another useless chore for me!

Turning away from the window, I take a good, long look around my little house and contemplate what I see. The furniture I have right now really isn't the best. Maybe I'll buy better stuff in the future once I've saved more money.

Then it hits me - why bother working on upgrades for the crappy appliances I have now if I'm going to replace them anyway? It's a waste of time. The wish to upgrade five objects has been lingering around my mind for too long, occupying valuable mental capacities. I decide to forget about it and pursue something much more worthwhile instead - I want to finally have my first kiss with someone!

To strengthen my resolve, I get rid of the broken bathroom sink and replace it with a much nicer one.

All this thinking about kissing makes my creative juices flow. I run over to the library to continue working on my romance novel. These things take so long to write, but I really want to finish what I started.

This time I wander further into the library and pick a computer in a quiet corner instead of the receptionist's desk like I did last time.

I type away, trying to ignore the people having noisy conversations behind me. This is a library, people! You're supposed to be quiet.

I get so absorbed in my writing that I barely notice the passage of time.

Only when my tense neck and reeking armpits are too much to bear, I call it quits for today.

There are simply too many people in here, I think to myself.

I grab a book off the shelf and try to ignore the crowds.

I barely get to the prologue of Training in the Rain before my phone rings. Well, people here don't seem to mind being noisy at a library, so I have no qualms about answering the phone.

It's Patrizio Monty, one of my co-workers at the hospital. He's a well-paid doctor and I always thought a lowly bed pan cleaner like myself was way below his notice, but apparently he heard that I know my way around an easel and want to commission a small painting.

I run home to start working on it right away.

It feels good putting brush to canvas again. I complete the painting in no time and pack it up to bring to Patrizio at the next opportunity.

Why does Giovanna always call me while I'm in the bathroom?

We chat about this and that - mostly her children - and then say goodnight.

After a quick shower, I make myself a plate of Goopy Carbonara for dinner.

Days off from work are great, I think before I drift off to sleep.


  1. Is Gloria's house premade or did you make it yourself? I really like it!! And hopefully she'll get her first kiss soon. (:

    So I noticed this posts are dated from 2016--have you been playing this wishacy for awhile??

    1. The house is premade, though I added the little balcony and the flowers and such :)

      You noticed! XD Yeah, I started this as soon as Gloria completed her asylum challenge goal. I just couldn't wait until I the asylum and legacy stories were at this point! I haven't actually been able to play much this year, just been trying to get the stories up to where I am in game. It's super close now! :D

  2. All the architecture in Monte Vista is gorgeous. *_* That balcony is a really nice addition!

    Gloria wished for a kiss?! I can't wait to see who she chooses!

    Lol, I totally thought this was posted in November 2017! Didn't even look at the year part. xD

    1. The hopeless romatic trait rules! Without it, Gloria would probably just brood all by herself forever.

      It's crazy how long ago I played and posted this! It's been quite a year. But luckily I had some time to play this again recently and there are a few more chapters in the works :D
