Friday, December 2, 2016

1.20 Gifts

Our first day as newlyweds also happens to be Snowflake Day.

 I have just the idea for something that will please my new husband - a party! As much as I dislike crowds, he wants to make friends in this town and so I put on my big girl panties and throw a gift giving party for his sake.

 When I go downstairs, a small pile of gifts is already waiting. And are those waffles I smell?

I'm still in my nightgown, finishing up breakfast as the first guests arrive. Erika Lin quietly disapproves of my attire.

 Franco Bianchi generously places a wrapped box on the pile...

 ... and then proceeds to criticize his hostess' choice of clothing much more vocally than Erika did.

 Patrizio Monty suddenly decides that since he's retired, he can now live his dream of being a food merchant at the Winter Festival. He changes into his new work uniform as he is placing a present on the pile and thereby glitch-vanishes the entire pile of gifts. Thanks, Patrizio.

 Zhan and I don't even notice. We're too distracted by our amazing new stereo!

I have finally put on my clothes as to not offend my guests, but when Giovanna enters, she strips hers off.

 "Are these your... work clothes?" I inquire politely.

Turns out, it's Giovanna's subtle way of letting me know that I'm boycotting her party yet again. She is throwing a feast party right now. Dress code: swimwear.

This time it doesn't take me until after the party to realize that the stove is filthy. I decide to clean it quickly before the critical Erika Lin notices.

 I needn't have worried. Erika is... occupied.

 Giovanna holds the elderly lady like she weighs nothing and hugs her tightly.

 When Franco complains about the inappropriate behavior of the two happily married women, it marks the end of their romantic interactions.

 Zhan and I make conversation with our guests.

 When Franco pulls me away to dance, Zhan is left to entertain the ladies.

 Erika and Giovanna don't miss a beat. What was polite nodding and quiet words when I was around, quickly turns into an avalanche of questions once the two women have my husband to themselves.

"No, I've never built a snowman," Zhan confesses, "it doesn't get this cold in Shang Simla, so this is my first time experiencing snow."

 The two women seem all too eager to be the first to show my husband how to build a snowman, so I quickly challenge him to a sparring match.

 Zhan beats me 3-0, but I still get what I wanted. Giovanna and Erika have pulled their claws out of my husband.

 This is why I love having Giovanna over. She always finds something to clean.

 A more impressive sight than the Terracotta Army, I think to myself as I catch a glimpse of Zhan in the shower.

Since he's already in the bathroom, Zhan decides he might as well do some laundry.

Oh, it's absolutely wonderful being married!

 After our sparring match, I too need a shower. I make sure Zhan gets a good look at me before he heads out to entertain our guests though. Can't have him forgetting what he already has, what with all the female attention he's been getting!

 While I am busy, the two harpies sense their chance and converge on Zhan once more.

The washing machine is done, so I move the wet clothes into the dryer.

In the meantime, Zhan listens to the two women...

... and accepts their gifts.

I'm sure he's just trying to be polite.

I need a little time to myself and head upstairs.

Franco isn't used to being ignored like this, so he defiantly pulls out his laptop.

Giovanna and Erika continue to shower Zhan with attention.

... and more flowers.

Franco is really enjoying this party.

I let off some steam at the board breaker upstairs. I may or may not be imagining Giovanna and Erika's faces on those foam boards...

Erika and Giovanna have finally cornered their prey.

Zhan idly wonders where his wife has gotten to.

Giovanna does her best to try and make him forget all about being married.

Just keep smiling... be polite...

I break so many boards that I am finally awarded my green belt! Maybe now I'll be able to defeat Zhan!

Speaking of beating up my husband...

I furiously scrub at a grimy spot in the shower, trying to work off some frustrations that even martial arts practice couldn't get rid of.

Giovanna ropes Zhan into building a snowman with her.

I feel like I need to keep a close eye on the pair, so I begin building my own snowman on the other side of the house.

Four hands are better than two apparently, and Zhan and Giovanna finish their snowman before I do.

When they're done, Zhan leaves Giovanna to stand in the snow by herself.

... and I am once again reminded why I love this woman - thanks for gathering those old newspapers, Giovanna!

Zhan is such a good host. He begins to prepare some food just as the guests start getting peckish.

Since I'm already outside, I check the mailbox. First up, bills.

... but there are gifts too! And a lot of them at that. Zhan is right - they people of Monte Vista really are kind. Even though our wedding was such an intimate affair, the news have made the rounds and people are sending us gifts.

Their choices are... strange. A child's snowboard, a magic cauldron and a dragon egg? Is that some local custom I don't know about?

Oh, and not to forget the photo booth. Yes, Patrizio Monty sent us a photo booth.

While I am busy unpacking wedding gifts, Giovanna sidles up to my husband yet again.

Erika Lin challenges me to a game of chess.

And after she makes a quick trip to the restroom...

... we engage in a traditional after-chess pillow fight.

Well, since I'm already in this room, I might as well go to sleep.

Zhan is left to entertain the last few remaining guests, but even he starts feeling the urgent need for some alone time by now.

He pulls a face when he sees what a steady stream of party guests has done to our toilet.

Giovanna walks in at just the wrong - or right?! - moment.

"Whoops, sorry," she pipes cheerily and takes another lingering look over her shoulder before leaving the room.

Zhan is adorably embarrassed.

.After the aggressive advances of Erika and Giovanna, it's a relief to see his wife again, sleeping so peacefully. Now that's his kind of woman!

He crawls into bed and falls asleep instantly.

Giovanna hands out one last bouquet of flowers.

Apparently Franco didn't appreciate them, because he feels like he just lost a friend.